Submit Papers

ANNOUNCEMENT (15 January 2016): Regular paper submission for ISIE 2016 is now closed. However, Students and Young Professionals still have the opportunity to participate in the S-YP Forum. Deadline to participate is 16 February 2016.

Directly following the two-day Industry Summit, the IEEE ISIE 2016 conference will continue the dialogue and bring research and industry leaders together for practical, open exchanges on leading technologies that drive forward the Internet of Things. Researchers who wish to participate are encouraged to contribute works that address the theme “Challenges of the IoT.” In this spirit, ISIE 2016 technical program includes, but is not limited to the following interests of the Industrial Electronics Society’s many technical committees:

  • Advanced in Power Electronics Converters for Smart Grid Applications (Special Session)
  • Automation, Communication & Informatics
  • Big Data and Cloud System Processing for Wearable Applications (Special Session)
  • Building Automation, Control & Management
  • Data-Driven Control and Monitoring
  • Distributed Machine Vision Systems (Special Session)
  • Edge-leading Solutions for Smart Cities (Special Session)
  • Electrical Machines and Drives
  • Electronic Systems on Chip
  • Energy Storage
  • Haptics and Force Control Based on Advanced Sensors and Actuators (Special Session)
  • Health Monitoring and Management for Modern Smart Manufacturing Systems (Special Session)
  • Human Factors
  • Industrial Cyber-physical Systems (ICPS)
  • Mechatronics and Robotics
  • Micro- and nano-electromechanical Systems for ‘The Internet of Things’
  • Motion Control for Mechatronic Systems (Special Session)
  • Power Electronics
  • Recent Development on Photovoltaic Energy Systems (Special Session)
  • Renewable Energy
  • Resilience and Security for Industrial Applications
  • RF/Microwave/Millimeter Wave Communications for Industrial IoT (Special Session)
  • Semantic Technologies in Automation (Special Session)
  • Sensors and Actuators
  • Smart Grids
  • Standards
  • Transportation Electrification
  • Trends in Engineering Education
  • Wireless Sensor Networks: Hardware/Software Design Aspects for Industry (Special Session)

For a full list of technical program interests, click HERE.
Click HERE for the list of technical program committee members.

Special Sessions
ISIE-2016 also invites proposals for special sessions that fit the theme “Challenges of the IoT”. Proposals may be emailed to the program chair, Luis Gomes <>, considering the following template: ISIE 2016 SS Proposal Template. All proposals will be reviewed and approved by chairs of the most relevant technical track. Deadline for special session proposals is Nov. 29, 2015.

Oral Presentation Format

Technical sessions at ISIE 2016 will have two parts: elevator talk + interaction, as provided below:

Elevator Talks
8-9 talks per session
Total of 30 min

Interactive Time
45 additional minutes.
Each presenter has an assigned presentation booth.
Booth has a large LCD screen.
Presenters connect their own laptop to the screen.

Click HERE for a full overview of the oral presentation format.

Instructions for Authors

ISIE welcomes researchers and engineers from all related sectors to submit papers and proposals for special sessions. All submissions are peer reviewed.

Important Dates for Authors

Submission of special session proposals: Sunday, 29 November 2015
Submission of full paper draft: Monday, 21 Dec 2015 Monday, 11 January 2016
Acceptance notifications: Monday, 22 Feb 2016
Submission of paper final version + graphical abstract: Monday, 4 April 2016
Earlybird registration deadline: Wednesday, 20 April 2016
IoT Summit: 6-7 June 2016
ISIE 2016: 8-10 June 2016

  • Papers must be written in English.
  • Up to 6 pages (including figures and references) are allowed for each paper. One (1) extra page is permissible with an additional fee (US$100) paid at registration time. Pay with your credit card HERE. Total file size must not exceed 2 MB.
  • Pages should follow the IEEE double-column format (US letter size). Detailed instructions for ISIE-2016 paper preparation can be found HERE.
  • Accepted and presented papers will be copyrighted to IEEE and published in conference proceedings, which will be eligible for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library, once it meets the requirements of an IEEE quality review. It will then be customarily indexed by EI Compendex.
  • Authors should only submit original work that has neither appeared elsewhere for publication, nor is under review for another refereed publication. The conference will verify the originality of manuscripts by comparing them with millions of other articles in databases worldwide. Manuscripts that violate IEEE’s publication principles may be rejected. If the violation is deemed severe, then disciplinary actions may also be taken by IEEE.

Please review the following policies:

IEEE Policy on Plagiarism HERE
IEEE Policy on Double Submission HERE

Paper Submission

Technical papers must be submitted via IEEE IES ISIE-2016 Manuscript Submission System by Monday, 21 Dec 2015  Monday, 11 January 2016.

Only PDF files will be accepted for review.